Monday, April 4, 2016

Blog #10

I will use data collection tools to record and organize student grades. I feel that Excel is a very helpful and easy to use record keeping tool. If I was a kindergarten teacher I would record math quiz and test scores. I would record little spelling and vocabulary skill checks.

I liked seeing the screenshots of the other students assignments, especially the concept maps. People got really creative and it was fun to look see what other people came up with.

I would like to learn how to use Keynote because it is on my computer but I never use it. I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages of using it verse PowerPoint. I would also like to learn more about the many different elements of PowerPoint I have never used before.

Excel, Word, and PowerPoint will be the main technological resources I will be using in my future educational career. Some of my goals include being well organized, creative, and easily understandable. Word will help me be creative in the worksheets I design. Powerpoint will help get the information across in a way that keeps the students attention. Excel will be a big help in the organizational aspects of teaching.

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