Monday, March 28, 2016

Blog #9

I like the idea of a flipped classroom. Where students watch informative videos on their own time and class time is used for discussion and interactive activities and exercises. The lecture videos can be recorded by the teacher or taken from different sources. One source I found that contained these educational videos is Khan Academy ( is a great web resource that can be very helpful for teachers of many difference grades and levels. They have online games for students. The grades range from preschool and kindergarten all the way up to eighth grade. The site is simple and easy to navigate. The images are clear and colorful and this will make the students want to use the website. The website even has free charts and worksheets that teacher can print.

I really enjoyed making the interactive PowerPoint. I learned how to make hyperlinked buttons and I had never used sound in a powerpoint before. I think this could be very helpful in a high school classroom. The students often benefit from a break from the traditional classroom lectures. Mini jeopardy games can be created that make reviewing for tests and quizzes fun and interactive. Next time would improve the Powerpoint by taking screen shots of the images rather than finding the pictures on google. This is because some of the photos have lower quality and are slightly unclear at points. Overall I hope you all enjoy my mini TV show quiz.

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