Monday, February 8, 2016

Blog #3

The ELA technology standard I feel the most prepared to teach is the second grade category under multimedia literature. The standard is described as understanding words and illustrations in print and digital text to understand characters, setting, and plots. I really enjoy reading and I would be able to explain how to break down the characteristics in a story whether it is digital or print. I would need much more preparation to teach “comparing reading story/drama/poem to audio, video, or live version”. I don’t have as much experience with comparing and connecting poetry to live or audio stories.
 The technology software and applications I would like to use includes video programs, class discussions, and email.
 As a student I know that it is nice to sit and watch a video for a few minutes and “take a break” from listening auditorially. Visual learners will be grateful for the change in learning style and It can give the teacher a quick break to get ready for the next thing. I would also like to teach students to create their own videos with application like Movie maker or iMovie.
 One application that looked helpful was “Class discussions”. A teacher can send out an assignment or question and the students can respond from home or during class. Their responses can be seen by peers and graded by the teachers. These programs can also be used anonymously if the teacher wants to take a class poll.
Email is also an important method of communication. It is most beneficial when a student and teacher want to have a one on one conversation without the whole class. It can be helpful for students to stay in contact with their professor or other classmates if they miss some school days.
When it comes to digital citizenship the book said “The focus of citizenship instruction, whether in the real or virtual world, must emphasize ethical behavior, civility, and good communication skills.” Some of the concepts I would address with my students would be proper web etiquette or “netiquette”. They would learn how to be respectful and polite when interacting online. The book gave examples like “refrain from flaming or shouting (using all caps), avoid sarcasm, off color remark, and hateful comment.” I also think it would be interesting to research the uses of emoticons in texting and other forms of online communication. We use them to share our feeling with others when they can’t hear us or see our faces. I would put a strong emphasis on the dangers of cyberbullying and make sure my students know how to report incidences properly.
While making my newsletter I discovered how to make columns and boarders. This is something I have never done in Word before. It was also cool to make the hyperlinks. I had the most trouble trying to format the images to be exactly where I wanted them. I also couldn’t figure out if there was a simpler way to make a dotted line that didn’t involve hitting the dash bar thirty times :) The assignment seemed extremely relevant to a future career in teaching. Although I won’t be working in a classroom, I will still be interacting with students and their parents. This assignment seems like something I will be creating in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you would not only emphasize to your students the dangers of cyberbullying and how to avoid it, but also the best way to report it if they see it.
