Monday, April 11, 2016

ILP “Participation” – Microsoft Word: Creating professional-looking forms| tutorial, ILP “Design” – Prezi

(1)  Activity Log:

I watched the tutorial one time all the way through. Then I opened my own word document and worked on the table alongside the video.

(2) Description:

This tutorial was for table formatting in Word. I chose this video because I have not fully understood how to make usable tables in Word. The tutorial was very helpful and showed me how to make a table that has lines and borders that do not move when you try to type on the lines. This will be helpful in the education field because teachers have to make permission slips. I remember that while working on the newsletter assignment I could not figure out how to make the lines for the parental signatures without hitting the dash button a lot of times. Now I know how to do it properly.






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Here is the link to the second ILP:

The second ILP is a Prezi that educates people about things that could be surprising about traveling Italy.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Blog #10

I will use data collection tools to record and organize student grades. I feel that Excel is a very helpful and easy to use record keeping tool. If I was a kindergarten teacher I would record math quiz and test scores. I would record little spelling and vocabulary skill checks.

I liked seeing the screenshots of the other students assignments, especially the concept maps. People got really creative and it was fun to look see what other people came up with.

I would like to learn how to use Keynote because it is on my computer but I never use it. I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages of using it verse PowerPoint. I would also like to learn more about the many different elements of PowerPoint I have never used before.

Excel, Word, and PowerPoint will be the main technological resources I will be using in my future educational career. Some of my goals include being well organized, creative, and easily understandable. Word will help me be creative in the worksheets I design. Powerpoint will help get the information across in a way that keeps the students attention. Excel will be a big help in the organizational aspects of teaching.